It's all around me, this wonder of Spring
I see the greening grass and hear the birds sing.
The bright wild flowers, so lovely and fair
I look around and they are everywhere.
It's all around me, this wonder of Spring,
The mornings are best, my favorite thing.
The brisk, cool breezes, so refreshing and nice,
Oh, the best are the mornings, I wouldn't think twice.
Yes, it's around me, this wonder of Spring
But wait! The afternoons are what make my heart sing.
The sun up high in the beautiful blue sky,
Yes, the warmth of the afternoon sun is why.
Oh, it's surely around me, this wonder of Spring,
I'm sure it's the evening that makes the bells ring.
I hear the crickets and frogs as they come out to play,
I'm sure it's evening I love, the best part of the day.
Ah yes, it's around me, this wonder of Spring,
I thank the Provider, my Lord and my King.
These gifts are so special, each time of each day,
Morning, afternoon or evening, the best? who can say?
Each day is as perfect as it can be,
Sunshine or rain it's as perfect as He.
Carol French

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